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Lady of Darkness Interviews

These interviews originally appeared in the newsletter.

Any new interviews will be added a week after the newsletter goes out.



This interview took place prior to Lady of Starfire. It will contain spoilers up to that point.



Q: What is your most memorable assignment within the Black Syndicate?

A: You would think it'd be some grand mission to some exotic place, but in actuality, it was when I had to go get the Wraiths (insert eye roll). They got themselves into a tight spot with some Toreall rebels. Literally. They managed to get stuck in a ravine. As their personal guards in the Syndicate, Rylan, Kane, and I were sent to track them down. They tended to get...distracted on their missions. When we found them, they were covered head-to-toe in mud, and by the time we got them out, so were we. We weren't threatening or killing anyone. When I look back on it now, it was and a rare fond memory amid an array of dark ones. Even if the girls complained about mud for next three months.

Q: What were your first impressions of Sorin?

A: He was an arrogant, moody bastard. He made it very clear very quickly that you don't piss him off. When the High Force was announced, men clamored to prove they were worthy of the unit. Captain Renwell had over half of them quitting in the first two days. Once I got to know him a bit more in various meetings and around the grounds, he wasn't too bad. I respected him. He kept to himself most of the time, but he was a good captain and an excellent fighter.


Q: Will you take a Source other than Cyrus? Or will you wait until Cyrus is back?

A: That is... Cyrus deserves more than... I can't imagine he will even want that anymore. Not after what I said to him. But if I need to take a Source to ensure my magic is at full strength to get him back, then I will do whatever is necessary. Because that is what he deserves.


Q: What's it feel like to be able to fly, and only have the wings when needed?

A: In the beginning, flying was unnerving. So many things are out of your control. I still feel like I don't know what I'm doing half the time, but the more I train, the more I'm coming around to it. As for only having the wings when needed? I don't have complete control over that yet. Scarlett and Cy-- (clears throat) They think it's funny to try and get them to appear at inopportune times.


Q: Do you think you will ever forgive your mother?

A: The High Witch is different from my father. Tybalt didn't know of my existence. The High Witch knew. She could have done something. So many things could have been different. But I guess you could say the same about Eliné or Scarlett's mother. Maybe when everything has settled down and this war is over, I can have some time to really process everything that has happened in the last year.


Q: If you could have Scarlett understand one thing, what would it be?

A: That none of us follow her out of some sense of duty or because we feel like it is required of us. That as much as she fights fate, she was born to wear a crown.


Q: Fuck, Marry, Kill: Nuri, Kailia, Arianna.

A: For fuck's sake, Scarlett. (Glaring at her)

Q: Fine. Fuck, Marry, Kill: Rayner, Stellan, Azrael.

A (after a stare down with Scarlett and glancing awkwardly at Rayner and Azrael): Fuck Rayner, Marry Azrael, Kill Stellan. 

Q: If you had a chance to redo one thing from your past, what would that be?

A (grumbling): Not agree to do this interview.



This interview took place prior to Lady of Starfire. It will contain spoilers up to that point.



Q: What was your first impression of Scarlett?

A: The first time I saw Scarlett she was on a horse with Sorin racing for the border. She was injured, and Sorin was frantic. It was chaos with the Night Children and Callan. To be frank, I didn't give her a second glance until her power exploded in the room and threw us all into the walls and furniture. Then I was more concerned with not letting a mortal prince die in our territory. So I guess my first impression of her was that she was volatile and brash...which proved to be accurate.


Q: Who is your favorite person (not including Tula because we all know she's your number one)?

A: Eliza. She's the only one of my family who's not a busybody.


Q: After the war, do you have any special places you want to take or show Tula?

A: When she's older, I want to take her back to all the places she's already been: the mortal lands, the Courts, Avonleya. Her entire life has been spent in the dark and wicked corners of the world, running from nightmares she doesn't even know are chasing her. She'll know that light can be found anywhere, even if it doesn't look like light to others.


Q: You are good with children. How did that come about?

A: Only one. I am good with one child. Because of my sisters. Breya in particular. Breya was around Tula's age when... Any perceived adeptness with children is because of my sisters.


Q: What is your favorite Fire Court memory?

A: The night that Eliza officially accepted her title as Fire Court General. It was the night our Inner Court was complete. I had... I had promised Aravis I would find another family, and that night, as we celebrated her new role in the Court, it felt like I had finally kept a promise to her.


Q: Do you have any hobbies besides....whatever watching thing you do?

A: No. (Sighing after a pointed look from Sorin.) I can cook. A lot of the meals we eat at the Fire Court, I prepare.

Scarlett: Wait, what?

Rayner: Next question.

Scarlett: Do you bake too?

Rayner: Scarlett.


Scarlett, smirking: Fine. Fuck, Marry, Kill: Nuri, Arianna, Kailia.

A: *unimpressed stare*

Scarlett: Sorin, Cyrus, Briar?

A: No.


Q: Have you ever been with someone in the Courts? Someone we know? Can you give us a name?

A: *lips twitching to contain a smirk*

Q: Is that even your thing?

A: *brow arching*

Q: Fine. Last question. Do you take a female out to eat first, or do you eat before you go? Nuri's wondering.

Nuri: Damn right I am.

A: Tell you what, your Majesty. I've had some of those experiences with Sorin. He can answer these questions for you.



This interview took place prior to Lady of Starfire. It will contain spoilers up to that point.


Q: I guess you're more intimidating than Rayner. They were too nervous to ask you questions.

A: Obviously. My bite is worse.

Scarlett: He can rip out organs.

Nuri, fangs snapping out: I can rip out throats.

Q: Fair point. What was your favorite mission as a Wraith?

A: The one with the twins.

Q: Killing, not bedding.

A: The time we accidentally found ourselves in the Earth Court.

Cassius: What? When was this?
Azrael, glaring at her trying to figure out if she's lying or not, while Scarlett and Juliette avoid eye contact with everyone else.

Nuri: I said it was an accident. Our target briefly crossed into the territory. We went after him. Besides, we all made it out alive. I mean, except that target. Obviously.

Q: Are you envious of Scarlett?

A: No. Do I wish the males in her life wouldn't coddle her so damn much? Yes.

Q: What is your biggest regret?

A: That we did not figure out it was all Alaric sooner. So many children over the years... We should have seen it sooner. Maybe everything would have been different.

Q: If you’re alive after all of this is over, do you have any plans or goals you’d like to accomplish?

A: I am blood bound to Alaric. He decides my goals. Any plans I may have once had are no longer relevant so this it not worth discussing. I will either be carrying out his orders if he wins or dead beside him if he loses. He will not have it any other way.


Q: Do you have any hobbies besides warning people their life is about to end?

A, with a smirk: Gardening.

Azrael, muttering: Insufferable.

Q: Speaking of-- Fuck, Marry, Kill: Azrael, Callan, Eliza.

A: Plant Prince, the mortal king, Eliza. Only because a fight to the death with the fire general would be exhilarating.

Azrael: That is the part of that statement you find needs explaining?

Nuri: The rest is pretty self-explanatory. Stop interrupting. It's rude.

Azrael, gritting his teeth: Were you really in the Earth Court before all of this happened?

Nuri, pulling up her hood: I have to go. Duty calls and all that.

Azrael turns to ask Scarlett and Juliette, but they're gone. Turning back, Nuri is gone too.

Azrael: They are the most infuriating females I have every encountered.



This interview took place prior to Lady of Starfire. It will contain spoilers up to that point.


Q: What is your favorite memory from your early days after Sorin brought you into the Court?

A: I had been thieving and manipulating for so long, the idea of just being given a home seemed too good to be true. I would sneak down to the kitchen pantries at night and steal food to keep in my rooms because I just knew they'd figure me out someday. I had the food packed and ready to go for the day I needed to leave. I had been there nearly a year before Eliza met me in the cellar one night. She wasn't the Fire General yet, but she was down there, sharpening a blade. She told me I was stupid for not realizing they'd known from day one that I was stealing. I mean, Rayner had tracked me down in the Court. Obviously he knew what I was doing and was reporting back to Sorin. Then she said she understood not trusting the idea of having a home, but now it was time to stop. They'd given me a year to adjust, and if I didn't stop hoarding all the chocolates, she was going to haul me to the private training pits and kick my ass. That was the last time I stole out of perceived necessity, and the first time I let myself believe the Fire Court could actually be home.

Q: What were your thoughts upon learning Scarlett was Death's Maiden? And meeting the rest of the Wraiths? Have you had a chance to get in trouble with them yet?

A: After the initial shock wore off and Eliza quit blubbering on about how she couldn't believe a Wraith of Death had been living with us, I was skeptical. Sure, she was good with a blade, but after seeing her throw fits about food for months, I had a hard time believing it. (Scarlett flipping him off while he speaks.) Then I saw them all together when we went to the Night Child territory... And I was even more skeptical. Seriously, they are ridiculous. But, fuck, are they vicious when they let their Wraiths out to play. I am not sure what I enjoy more-- joining in their carnage or watching the chaos unfold in their wake. Of course, with Nuri bound to Alaric and Juliette now the Oracle, there hasn't been much time for either.

Q: What was the biggest/most interesting job you did when thieving with Merrik?

 A, snorts a huff of laughter: Maybe not the most interesting, but definitely my favorite. There were some Lords' sons in Aelyndee. A bunch of pricks who thought they were better than everyone else. Some of our friends there told us the males had tried to discreetly purchase some mugweed. Unfortunately for them, they didn't know how to be discreet. Equally unfortunate for them, they clearly had never smoked it before. Merrik and I tracked them down, laughed while they choked and coughed on their first attempts to smoke it. Then we ran towards, acting as messengers, and told them their fathers were looking for them. They panicked, not wanting to get caught with the mugweed and appear less than the noble bastards they were. We graciously offered to "help them out." We also stole all their coin and gold pocket-watches. We used the coin to buy food for nearly a month, and we traded the watches for more mugweed.

Q: How do you stay humorous with everything you've been through?

 A: Merrik and I were always joking around and being assholes together, but it came in handy when pulling jobs. Be the good-natured, easy-going male to hide the cunning thief beneath. But to be honest... There are times I have to force it. Not in a bad way, but when the memories become too much... I need the humor, or they'd consume me. I have let them consume me. After Merrik... After Thia.... (Clears throat) Sometimes it's find something to laugh at or drown in the past.


Q: What was the "this is it. He is it for me" moment for you about Cass?

A, shifting uncomfortably and avoiding eye contact: Not that it matters anymore, but he... I don't know when I realized I would go back to Aelyndee for him. It was all the little things that added up over time, I guess.

Q: Do you have have a wing fetish like the rest of us? Is that your kink?

A, with a smirk: No, Darling. Wings are not my kink.


Scarlett: Then what is?

A: When you're brave enough for more experiences, maybe you'll find out.

Scarlett, scowling at him: Fuck, Marry, Kill- Yours truly, Eliza, Neve?

 A: Fuck you because you're so interested in experiences.

Scarlett, grumbling: I hate you.

 A, speaking over her: Marry Eliza, and kill Neve.

Scarlett: Poor Neve.

A, shrugging: She prefers females. She'd be happier this way too. 


Q: Fuck, Marry, Kill: Sorin, Rayner, Briar?

A: Rayner, Briar, Sorin.

Scarlett: Wow. You didn't even have to think about killing off Sorin.

Cyrus, winking at her: We've discussed this before. We are all in agreement.

Scarlett: What do you mean you've discussed this before?!

Cyrus: I mean, Rayner has some skills and then you add his smoke and ashes? Briar is the ideal mate. So Sorin is the obvious choice to kill.

Scarlett, looking at Sorin: You are okay with this?

Sorin, taking a sip of liquor to hide his smirk: He's right. Rayner has some skills.


Scarlett, cheeks flushing and grumbling: Godsdamnit. Final Question: What is your definition of happiness?

A: Liquor, mugweed, and finally beating your ass in billiards, Darling.



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This interview took place prior to Lady of Starfire. It will contain spoilers up to that point.


Scarlett: They have so many questions for your broody ass.

A: I'm doing this for Cethin. Not you.

Q (smirking): I know. What was your first impression of my delightful Court?

A: That you're as annoying in person as you were when Cethin would find his way into your dreams.


Q: Is that why you don't seem to like us?

A: I don't like anyone on principle. 


Q: And Cassius?

A: He's tolerable. And Cyrus. I didn't mind my time on the continent with them. 


Q: What's the coolest "worldly" fact you can share?

A: That all the worlds are connected in one way or another. Some in small ways. Some in bigger ways. But it's nearly impossible to figure out how unless you already know where to look.

Scarlett: That's confusing.

A: Agreed.



Q: What are your thoughts on the Source issues for both myself and Cassius?

A: For you, there's nothing to say. You're fucked unless Sorin dies, and you can take a new Source. Cassius is being an idiot. Any Avonleyan would kill for a Source, and he has a Fae willing. Or he did. Either way, he'll need to take one before we go to fight, or he'll be useless.


Q: What is your earliest memory of your parents?

A: Parent. One. I have one parent. Tybalt.



Q: Fair. What is your favorite moment with Tybalt?

A: He let me renovate a section of the manor house into a two-floor study and library. For days, he helped me draw out designs and make changes. When it was done, he helped me haul all my books there. I did't trust magic to do it. He could have asked someone else to help me, but he did it himself. It took nearly four days to get the ones I wanted in there, and he was there. He's always been there.



Q: If your biological parent were in front of you right now, what would you say to them? Would you even want to speak to them?

A: Nothing and no.



Q: What's the best tea you can spill on Cethin?

A, rolling his eyes:  If want gossip, ask the Avonleyan Cadres. But know that you are not the only one with a dark past that drives your actions.



Q: What's your favorite book in your library?

A: I don't have just one, but any book about the other known worlds intrigues me. I am creating my own book of sorts to catalog the differing worlds and beings as I learn more.

Scarlett, sitting up straighter: Can I see it?

A: No.




Q: Can you manipulate your dragon fire into shapes?

A:  I don't need to. It does what it's intended to do.


Q: Did you really think Eliza was one of the Queen's Ladies-in-Wait, or was that just a ploy to talk to her?

A, shrugging casually: Formal introductions hadn't been done yet. She could have been a cook for all I knew. But I don't need excuses to talk to people. I just do it if I want to. 

Eliza: (incoherent grumbling)


Scarlett, glancing at her: So you wanted to talk to her then?

A: (impassive stare)



Q: Who won the spitting contest?

A: I did. Obviously.

Eliza: (huffing loudly in annoyance)

Scarlett: Mhmm. And what was going through your mind when you saw Eliza after she was injured during the fight with Sybil?

A, going still: That if you didn't get on with things, I would be destroying the entire Necropolis with dragon fire so the injured could get help from Niara. 


Q: The injured. Right. Did you get jealous when Eliza told you about the relationship she had with Nakoa?

A: Why would I be jealous of her having someone who cared for her and took care of her needs? 




Q:  So... You have a thing for her? Right? We all see it.

A: She's my Source. Of course there's a pull there. You have a Source. You know how that works.

Scarlett: You're annoying.

A: Are we done?


Q: Fuck, Marry, Kill: Cethin, Cyrus, Sorin?

A: Cyrus, Cethin, Sorin.


Q: You didn't even have to think about that? And why does everyone keep killing my husband?

A, shrugging: I've already said I can tolerate Cyrus. Cethin is my king, and Lia would literally stab me if I tried anything else with him. That leaves Sorin to die.



Q: Is it true wingspan correlates with other things?

A, brow furrowing: Why would that be a thing?

Scarlett: So...that's a no?

A: I didn't say that



This interview took place after Lady of Starfire. It will contain spoilers for the entire series.


Q: What is your favorite spot in the Wind Court?

A: The highest cliffs where skystone can be found. The winds speak more freely there.

 Scarlett, with a frown: But it's so cold up there.

Ashtine: Is it?


Q: What is your favorite spot in the Fae Courts in general?

A: There is a hall in the Citadel lined with paintings from over the centuries. Portraits. Depictions of events. Stories being told. I enjoy spending time there.


Q: Do you have a favorite book from the Citadel libraries? One that is for research and one that's simply interesting?

A: They are all interesting, but as a child, there was one that held my interest more than others about lands in the sky. I will enjoy sharing it with Nakoa and Sawyer.


Q: What's the strangest thing the winds have said to you?

A, head tilting to the side: Nothing the winds speak is strange. It all has purpose.

Scarlett, looking helplessly at Briar.


Briar: What of their murmurings has been most perplexing, Ashtine?

A: They speak of worlds being reborn. But perhaps that is not odd when power has been reborn? They speak of more chosen, but for what, they do not share. They speak of those scattered among the stars. So many hidden...


Scarlett, clearing her throat after a moment: The first time the winds mentioned me to you, what did they say?

A: They did not speak of you but of the power you carry. They spoke of fire of the stars and fire of the night. It was nearly as perplexing as worlds being reborn.


Q: Do you know of any other Wind Walkers? Can you tell us their names?

A: Sawyer will walk among the winds when they call to her.


Q: How did you and Briar meet?

A: I had always known of him, but I did not officially meet him until my coronation as Wind Court Princess. I was highly guarded and kept from many until that time, and I rarely left the Citadel.


Q: When did you fall in love with him?

A: As with most things, it happened over time. There was not a particular moment. We were...working towards a common goal at one time and found ourselves in each other's presence more often than not. A tale for another time perhaps.


Q: Does he have any weird quirks you can share with us?

A: I find it odd he does not particularly care for snakes.


Scarlett, dragging her eyes to Briar: Snakes? Really?

Briar, sighing: Also a tale for another time.


Scarlett, her grin widening: I will most definitely hear that tale.

Briar: Are we done? I am certain the babes will wake at any moment.


Q: Last one. Fuck, Marry, Kill: Sorin, Azrael, Cyrus?

A: Azrael, Sorin, Cyrus.


Scarlett, blinking: That was... There was no contemplation.

A: I suppose not.


Scarlett: Why are you killing Cyrus?

A: I do not understand his musings at times.

Scarlett: not understand him.

A: He jests often. I find it perplexing.

Scarlett, with a bark of laughter: Fair enough, your Highness. Fair enough.

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This interview took place after Lady of Starfire. It will contain spoilers for the entire series.


Scarlett: There are a lot of questions for you, Eliza.

Eliza: I'm not answering any questions from Cyrus or any questions about a throne.

 Cyrus, with a smirk: So defensive, Eliza dear.

Eliza flips him off.


Q: Would you consider yourself the most skilled fighter in all of the Fae Courts?

A: No, but I am one of the top. All the generals of the Fae Courts are exceptional in fighting. We have all trained with each other, and we've all bested and lost to each other. Am I better than all the arrogant bastards who think they are more skilled simply because they have a cock between their legs? Yes.


Q: Do you think you can beat Sorin and Scarlett in a swords dual?

A: I have bested both of them. Numerous times. Was it easy? No. Did it go on for hours? Yes. Most of the time, we end up in a draw these days.


Q: When you finally got to see all three Wraiths of Death in action, were they everything you thought they would be?

A: Yes.

 Cyrus, snickering: You were impressed with their ability to argue over sandwiches?

Eliza, dragging her eyes to him: I enjoy their stories, particularly the one about them cutting off--

Cyrus, wincing: Gods! Stop! Why is that always the go-to story?

Eliza: While they could have certainly been more disciplined, watching the way the three of them work as a unit is undeniably impressive.


Q: Did you wish you could meet your biological father?

A: I do not even know if he knew of my existence. My mother would have likely kept it a secret from him in an effort to protect him. Have I wondered about him though? I think that is only natural. Would I have liked to meet him at some point? Perhaps, but it is in the past and not an option, so I no longer dwell on it.


Q: Since you always seem to be the first to call everyone else on their bullshit, what is your favorite "I told you so" moment after they ignored your advice, and it blew up in their face?

A: Every time I get to say it to Cyrus is my favorite.


Q: Most embarrassing thing you have witnessed Sorin, Cyrus, and/or Rayner do?

A: After a night of mugweed and cards, Sorin and Cyrus convinced Rayner to teach them how to bake cookies. They couldn't find several ingredients and decided to "substitute" them with other items.


Cyrus: That night is admittedly fuzzy, but if memory serves, Eliza, you were part of that.

Eliza: Yes, but I was the only one who didn't eat said cookies. The three of you were sick for hours after eating things that was definitely not edible despite my warning not to do so.


Q: What were you thinking when Sorin asked you to give him the twin flame mark without a companion?

A: I told him exactly what I was thinking. That he was being an idiot and it was a terrible idea.


Q: How did you win the challenge in the maze?

A: By being the best.

Razik: You won by mere seconds.

Eliza, deadpan: Seconds that won me a very valuable sword.

Razik, narrowing his eyes on her.


Q: What was your first impression of Razik?

A, gaze flicking to Raz before rolling her eyes and sighing: That he was all right to look at and that was annoying.

Razik smirks.


Q: When you realized he was your twin flame, what did you think of the fact that it was him of all people?

A: I did not want a twin flame. No matter who it would have been, I would have felt the same, but I... I felt bad for him. I did not believe I would ever be able to have a twin flame, and even if I did, I could not give them everything. I would never be able to give them a family... So I felt sorry for him. That he was bound to me, and I would not be able to give him anything in return.


Q: What's your favorite book in Razik's library?

A: The one about weapons from other realms.


Q: Are you going to try to learn the lost language of Razik's home world?

A: Yes. I'm sick of having to ask him to translate for me.


Q: We're still trying to figure out if wingspan matters... Any insights?

A: Sorin can conjure wings now. You tell me.


Q: What's a stupid mundane thing that Razik does that you can't stand?

A: Stealing useless shit.

Razik: I do not steal it. And it is not useless.

Eliza: There is absolutely no reason we need fifty ancient teapots, Raz.

Razik: They are very valuable. Some are from when this world was created. And I did not steal them.

Scarlett: Can I see these teapots?

Razik: No. They are mine.


Q: Do you prefer Razik's Cave or Solembra?

A: Solembra.

Razik and Cyrus at the same time: Liar.


Q: Fuck, Marry, Kill: Sorin, Cyrus, Rayner.

A: No. That's weird.

 Scarlett: Just do it.

A: No.


Scarlett: Do you know about any of their experiences?

A: Yes.


Scarlett, eyes going wide: What? And you've never told me?

A: I wasn't part of them. I just know of them.

Scarlett: And?!

Eliza, shrugging: And they're right. Rayner has some skills.



This interview took place after Lady of Starfire. It will contain spoilers for the entire series.


Scarlett, snuggling Baby Nakoa close: Why do I feel nervous to do your interview?

Briar, huffing a soft laugh with Baby Sawyer in his arms: I do not know.

Scarlett: Maybe because you are a father now? You feel older.

Briar: Sorin is still older than me.

 Scarlett: Yeah, but... You have children, Briar. I feel like such a thing makes one instantly wiser.

Briar, huffing another laugh: I assure you, it does not. I have no idea what I am doing. Ashtine perhaps does, but I find myself a touch more paranoid these days.


Q: Favorite childhood memory?

A: Every year for five days, my parents would take Sawyer and me to their private beach home. It would be just us. Father would leave his Second and Third in charge of the Court, and for those five days, we were not a royal family. We were We have always been honored to serve the Water Court, and I would never change that. But those times with my parents and Sawyer are treasured memories.


Q: How did you know Sorin would be your best friend?

A: It was a natural thing, I suppose. Two young heirs. Essentially the same age and growing up together. Our Courts served the same Queen. We faced the same pressures and burdens, the same expectations. It was something few understand, and a bond was formed.


Q: How do you really feel about Azzy??

A: Prince Azrael and I have always been civil. His priority is his people, and he does whatever is necessary to provide for them and works in their best interests. I have always respected him for that. The feud between the Earth and Fire Courts never truly involved the Water Court, and the mutual dislike between Prince Azrael and Sorin was exacerbated by Sorin's personal relationship with Talwyn. Admittedly, I got to know Prince Azrael better over the last decade as Sorin's relations with Talwyn became more strained, and I became the main contact between the Eastern and Western Courts.


Q: How did you feel when you found out that the Queen of the Western Courts was actually a Wraith of Death?

A: I think we were all surprised by that fact. Was there concern among the other Courts? Yes.

Scarlett: Really?

A: Of course there was. I had a private meeting with Ashtine and Azrael to discuss ramifications. We are responsible for entire Courts of people, thousands of lives. A Wraith of Death as a queen was a concern in and of itself, but additionally, you were the Fire Prince's twin flame. There was plenty to be concerned about.


Q: That's fair. What was that one instance that eased those concerns?

A: When you returned from Baylorin after Tarek had taken you. You met with us and took responsibility for your actions and mistakes. It was the first time I think you truly realized you could depend on us, and it was then I realized you would be part of the powerful change the winds often spoke of to Ashtine.


Q: What helped you find the stars after the loss of the two members of your court?

A: All of you, I suppose. Ashtine. These babes. We live to see so much loss in our immortal lives, but it never lessens the pain. My Inner Court is as much of a family as Sorin's. Or we were. I have not been able to appoint replacements to their positions yet.


Q: Favorite memory with Sawyer or Nakoa?

A, smiling fondly: Nakoa was the commander of my forces before Sawyer was my Second. He put Sawyer through utter hell for nearly a year to "prove himself" worthy of the position of Second. The day Nakoa finally deemed him fit for the position, the four of us...celebrated so much we wound up on a ship off the coast of the Shifter Territory. None of us remember how we got there, so perhaps it is not much of a memory.


Q: What was your first impression of Ashtine when you met her in person?

A: She was kept highly guarded throughout her childhood. Even when Sorin and I toured the Wind Court and Citadel, we did not see the Wind Princess. I did not officially meet her until her coronation, but I remember thinking she looked exactly like her mother.


Q: When and where was your first romantic encounter with the Wind Princess?

A, smiling: At the Water Court. It was one of the first times she left the Wind Court. She came to ask me to imbue weapons at the Springs, and she was very nervous.

Scarlett: Ashtine was nervous? She never...shows such emotion. How could you tell?

A, chuckling: She attempted to speak normally. It was rather endearing.


Q: How did you learn to understand what the winds speak to her?

A: While I do not understand the winds, I have come to understand Ashtine. As with anything, it took time. Patience. But the desire to understand her only fueled the desire to spend more time with her.


Q: What were your thoughts when you found out Ashtine was pregnant and didn’t tell you?

A: She did not really have the opportunity to tell me. She did not know when we parted ways that day in the throne room. I would have scented it on her if she had been far enough along to know. And while I understand why she did not want me to know right away, we did have a...discussion about it after the fact.

Scarlett: You mean you had an argument.

Briar: Yes.

Scarlett: What is that like? Arguing with Ashtine?

Briar, muttering: Windy. Very windy.

Scarlett: I don't think I can ask you a Fuck, Marry, Kill question.

Briar: And why is that?

Scarlett: You're too formal. And you're a father. It feels inappropriate.

Azrael: You made the rest of us answer that godsdamn question, and you're not even going to pose it to Briar? Rayner didn't even answer it.

Scarlett, gesturing to Rayner: Well, he has that whole quiet and mysterious thing going on, and he is rather terrifying. You play in sand, Azzy. Rayner rips out organs. You make him answer it.

Azrael mutters under his breath, and Rayner smirks.

Scarlett: But seriously, Rayner. Males? Females? Both? Wait!

Whirling back to Briar.


Q: Have you had experiences with the Shifter Beta? Or is that just a Fire Court thing?

A: With the Beta? No.


Q: What does that mean?

A, with a shrug: It seems self-explanatory.

Scarlett: But it's not! Who have you had experiences with? People I know?

Briar, fighting a smile: This seems inappropriate to discuss in front of children.

Scarlett, hissing in outrage: They are babes, and they are sleeping!

Baby Sawyer makes a whimper and begins

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This interview took place after Lady of Starfire. It will contain spoilers for the entire series.


Scarlett, staring at Azrael with a small smirk.

Azrael, sighing: Get on with this.

Q: Do you have a favorite plant?

A: I swear to Silas, Scarlett. I will walk away right now.

Scarlett, rolling her eyes: Don't get your vines in a knot. What's your favorite part about being the Earth Prince?

A: Serving my people. That is my job as their Prince. Those who aren't in a position to adequately fight for themselves? They are always my top priority.


Q: Who is your best friend, if you have one? And you can't choose Talwyn.

A: Stellan.

Scarlett, straightening: Wait, what?

Azrael: Before you ask, no. I do not partake in experiences with him.

Scarlett, pausing: I mean...never?

Azrael, scowling: Stellan and I have been friends for centuries. Why do you think he helped me track down Talwyn the first time she shifted into a wolf?


Q: If the sorceress had you for "company" instead of Cyrus, what is the one memory she could have manipulated that would have compelled you to take her deal just to make her stop tampering with it?

A, shifting uncomfortably: The first time Talwyn asked me to distract her. She obviously didn't know what we were at that time, but I did.


Q: Can you tell us the story of when you realized Talwyn was your twin flame?

A: I know for some it is this immediate pull and knowledge. It was not that for me. It was a gradual realization as I spent time with her. But the moment I knew for sure was an evening we were having a late dinner, going over reports from Stellan and the High Witch. There was nothing exciting or defining that made me realize it. In fact, we hardly spoke that night. We were both exhausted, but the moment was... I could envision thousands of nights like that and knew I would never tire of them.


Q: Apart from the obvious, what was that one thing that compelled you to pledge your loyalty to Scarlett?

A: It was in the best interest of my people to align with her. But aside from that, she'd proven time and again that she cared for those who weren't a position to adequately fight for themselves. She would have sacrificed herself for the rest of the realm. There is undeniable honor in that.

Scarlett: do, in fact, like me.

Azrael: I tolerate you.


Q: Who is your favorite wraith?

A: Juliette.

 Scarlett, with a wink: Right.

Azrael: She is.


Q: Mhmm. How do you feel about being called Azzy?

A: I hate it.

Scarlett: I can choose another if you like? What’s your favorite nickname that Nuri came up with?

A: Do I really need a nickname? What purpose does it serve?

Scarlett: Everyone needs a nickname.

Azrael: What's your favorite nickname for yourself?

Scarlett, smirking: Her Royal Highness, High Queen of the World Walkers. Obviously.

Azrael, muttering: Insufferable.


Q: Back to these experiences--

Azrael: I said I didn't have those with Stellan.


Q: Where is the strangest place you slept with someone?

A, with a growl: Scarlett.

Scarlett: It was in a sand castle, wasn't it?

Azrael: By the gods....


Q: Are you into plant play? Is that a thing? Like have you ever just whipped (haha) up some vines and gone full shibari?

Azrael, glancing at Talwyn.

Talwyn: Do not say one godsdman word, Azrael Luan.


Q: Fuck, Marry, Kill: Rayner, Sorin, Briar?

A: I'm done.


Q: Eliza, Ashtine, Scarlett?

A: No.

Scarlett: Are you upset Nuri wasn't an option?

Azrael: For fuck's sake.

Scarlett: Just answer the question.

Azrael, exasperated: Nuri. Fuck, marry, kill Nuri. All three options provide me a means to shut her up.

Scarlett: ...did you learn some of those methods with Stellan?

Azrael, grabs Talwyn's hand and Travels out.

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This interview took place after Lady of Starfire. It will contain spoilers for the entire series.


Talwyn: What are you two doing here?

Sorin: Scarlett is in Avonleya trying to get access to Razik's books. We also thought it might be better for everyone if we did your interview.

 Talwyn: You, fine, but why does Cyrus need to be here?

Cyrus, with a smirk: Babysitting duty.

Sorin: It's not babysitting. It's accompanying.

Cyrus, tossing a ball of fire into the air and catching it: Whatever you need to tell yourself.

Talwyn: What does she think is going to happen?

Cyrus, shrugging and glancing at Azrael: What does Luan think is going to happen?

Talwyn, sighing: Let's get on with this.


Q: How are you getting along with Thorne? It was rough there for awhile…

A: He is still a stubborn thing, so we have our moments. But our bond is... We're there for each other on the hard days. We have an understanding, and flying every morning with him is one of the best parts of my day.


Q: How are things with you and Azrael?

A: We're good. He's been understanding as I navigate my new reality. We're not married yet, despite his not-so-subtle hints that he'd like to take care of that soon.

Cyrus, huffing a laugh: Take care of that?

Talwyn, waving a hand dismissively: You know what I mean. There is a lot to be sorted when it comes to marriage and his Court and an heir. We discuss it often.


Q: How has it been adjusting at his Court? What do you do there?

A: Adjusting to his Court was never an issue. I spent plenty of time with him and his Inner Court in the past, especially when-- (clears throat). When Tarek was part of it. But I cannot be a part of his Inner Court now, nor do I wish to be. I do not have an official role, but I am his point of contact with the Witches. I spend a lot of time in the Witch Kingdoms training with Thorne. When I am not there, I am...still trying to figure out my place in everything.


Q: Did you ever question whether Tarek was really your twin flame before his “death?" Did a part of you know Azrael was your real twin flame all those years?

A: Seeing Cyrus and Thia together made me question things with Tarek. We were never that, obviously. Tarek was just so confident, never doubting, and I was constantly doubting myself, trying to prove that I belonged on that throne. It was nice to think that I didn't need to prove myself to him. That he'd already accepted me, and-- No. I always thought it was Tarek, and I wouldn't have believed anyone otherwise.


Q: With everything that has happened, has your relationship with Cyrus, Rayner, and Eliza improved? Do you find them more tolerable now?

A: I think that... (Pushing out a harsh breath.) I think that just because there was forgiveness, it does not mean there will ever be any type of relationship. We were never friends, and we likely never will be. That's life. We don't like everybody we meet. Personalities clash. And I made choices that have lifelong consequences. We are all civil with each other, and I think that is enough for now. Maybe something more will come over time, but for now, this is enough.


Q: Even though Scarlett isn’t your cousin by blood, do you still consider her family?

A: No. And she doesn't consider me family either. My family is Az, Thorne, Ashtine, and the twins.


Q: Do you and Scarlett ever share stories of your time with Eliné?

A: If we happen to be in the same room and she is brought up we might share something, but we do not spend time together and reminisce. I don't think either of us would enjoy such a thing.


Q: Do you resent Scarlett because Eliné left you behind to raise her?

A: At one time, yes. I resented a lot of people for a very long time, but mostly I resented Eliné.


Q: If you could start over, and let go of your anger, would you?

A: Of course. My anger led me to make choices that had unforgivable consequences. Anger is hard to navigate. It intertwines itself so thoroughly with hurt that it's hard to tell one from the other. I was lost to it, and the main person I looked to for help used it to his advantage. For so long I truly believed I was channeling my anger into protecting my people. It took me losing everything to realize that my actions were only fueling more anger, to realize that I chose wrong. That I could have chosen something else, but it might be too late.


Q: We’d love to hear about when you were bonded with Maliq. How did that happen and what did you think?

A: I was young. I became bonded to Maliq well before I took the throne. I was terrified, actually, except that Sorin was there when Maliq appeared. He knew exactly what was happening and prepared me for being taken to Shira Forest. He also sent Amaré with me to ease my nerves. It was a sacred bond that I deserved to lose after everything, but I do miss him. He was company on the nights that abandonment and loss were at their worst. I have Thorne now, but a part of me will always miss Maliq.


Q: Were you scared when you decided to give up your powers for Sorin? Especially knowing it meant going back to Alaric powerless?

A: At that point, I was past being scared. I only wanted to do something to help after wanting to destroy for so long. Of course, doing so also destroyed my twin flame bond and my power, but those were sacrifices I would make over and over again, no matter how painful they are to live without.


Sorin: I think that's enough.

Cyrus: What? You didn't even ask the most important question.

Sorin: Scarlett didn't have it on the list.

Cyrus: It's a very important question.

Azrael: It is not important. It is ridiculous.

Talwyn: It's fine, Az.

Cyrus: See? She wants to answer it.

Azrael: No one wants to answer it.

Cyrus: I did.

Azrael: But you'

Sorin: We do not need to ask it.

Cyrus, grumbling: This is why we like Scarlett more than you.

Sorin: You like Scarlett more than me because of her questionable antics.

Cyrus: Well, yeah.

Talwyn: Are we done? I promised Thorne we'd fly to the Witch Kingdoms today.

Cyrus: No.

Sorin: Yes.


Talwyn stands and reaches for Azrael's hand.

Sorin: Talwyn?

Talwyn: What?

Sorin: Are you happy?

Talwyn, glancing up at Az before: Yes, Sorin. I think I'm getting there



This interview took place after Lady of Starfire. It will contain spoilers for the entire series.


Sorin: Hey, Love.

Scarlett, smiling coyly: They have lots of questions for you, Prince.

Sorin: They have lots of questions, or you do?

Scarlett, feigning shock: I'm offended you think I would use this time for my own personal gain.

Sorin, dryly: You forget I have witnessed a number of you antics, Princess.
Scarlett, scowling and eyes narrowing: You’ll regret that.

Sorin, smirking: Looking forward to it.


Q: How are relations with the mortal kings going? We know there were those in the rebel forces on the mortal side that were very welcoming to the Fae and magical bloodlines, but what about those who weren’t there in the camps. Have they been as welcoming?

A: Relations with the mortal kingdoms are slow-going. They were told we were their enemies for a few centuries. That is a lot of mortal generations to pass down beliefs. Even with Callan, Drake, and Hale on the thrones, trust between the kingdoms and courts is not something that can be forced. Scarlett visits often, especially Baylorin, and all the courts have aided in rebuilding efforts, working alongside the mortals. It all takes time, but with the help of Tava, Callan, and the others, we'll get there.


Q: What is it you do now? Are you still considered the Fire Prince?

A: I still run the Fire Court, and I am still the Fire Prince, even with my gifts being more than that. None of our roles really changed in the end, other than having to keep track of a World Walker.

Scarlett, with a dry look: Funny.

Sorin: You tend to disappear these days, Love.

Scarlett: I do not leave the realm.

Sorin: Yet.

Scarlett, rolls her eyes.


Q: What is the hardest part about being the Prince of Fire?

A: Carrying the weight of responsibility for an entire Court of people. I know the others become annoyed with my overprotective tendencies, but it is my place to care for them all. It is my place to make sure they are safe and protected, and when I fail at that... That is the hardest part about being the Fire Prince. Knowing you can't protect everyone all the time.


Q: Are there any regrets or things you would change as Prince of Fire?

A: Of course. So much after Eliné left. My part in the breakdown of my relationship with Talwyn. My choices that led to Thia being killed. I've made bad calls, and while I have figured out ways to move forward, they still weigh on my soul.


Q: What is a favorite memory from Talwyn's childhood?

A, smiles fondly: I pushed her hard when she was learning to harness her magic. She would become so angry with me, no matter how many times I explained that her power came with so much responsibility. That she needed to be able to protect her people. After one particularly brutal session, she was incredibly frustrated and fighting back tears. I took her to the chateau--


Cyrus, Rayner, & Eliza: You what?!

Sorin: I took her to the chateau. We sat on the front porch with frozen cream and talked about, well, everything. I often tell Scarlett that Talwyn wasn't always what she became. That day, she was vulnerable, worried about not being good enough to rule the Eastern Courts. That day, she trusted me.


Q: What is a favorite memory you have growing up with Briar?

A, laughing: Just one? We got into quite a bit of trouble.

Scarlett: You and Briar? I find that hard to believe.

Sorin: We were not always responsible for entire Courts, Love. We were certainly not always proper.

Scarlett, snorts a laugh: Oh, I know all about how improper you can be.

Sorin: Anyway, there was one time we were exploring the Eternal Springs. Briar had just learned how to imbue weapons in the Springs and wasn't very good at it yet. I had bet Briar he couldn't imbue a dagger. He sat there for hours dunking a regular old dagger in and out of the water. A dagger I had put a Mark on so he wouldn't be able to alter it. I didn't expect him to become so determined to prove me wrong. I got bored, and when he refused to give up, I wandered around the trees collecting snakes. When he still refused to give up, tossed them all in the water in front him. The reptiles were...not pleased.

Scarlett: Wait, you're the reason Briar has a fear of snakes?

Sorin, lips twitching: Possibly.


Q: What is your favorite early memory with Cyrus, Rayner, & Eliza?

A: Any of our times in the den. When we weren't running to responsibilities or dealing with Court politics. Although the day Eliza officially joined the Court will forever be a favorite. It was a day that felt blessed by the Fates.


Q: What were your thoughts when you found out Eliza was mated to Razik?

A: After the initial shock of it all, there was nothing but happiness. Eliza's life has been anything but easy, and she doesn't let many people in. When I really sit back and look at them, they are perfect for each other.


Q: How did you know your troublemaker wife was your mate?

A: I should have known right away, but I was too lost to my own anger and betrayal at the time. I should have known the first time I kissed her on an archery field. I should have known when it bothered me so much she wouldn't speak to me. I should have known from my reaction to her in that red dress. When did I truly know? The night she told me she was nothing but darkness, and I could only see her light.


Q: What is your favorite memory of Scarlett?

A: Again, just one? But the first time she summoned her fire on purpose in the Courtyards. Her utter shock that she had done that herself. She's always had confidence, but I think that was the first time she entertained the idea she was destined for more.


Q: What was it like for you the first time you saw Scarlett ride her shadow dragon? Or when you ride your fire dragon?

A: The first time Scarlett conjured that godsdamn dragon, I wanted to throttle her for springing that on me. There was nothing I could do if it failed, and I was forced to watch helplessly as she free-fell with Veda through the sky. When I conjured the fire dragon? I understood the appeal.


Q: When you're not helping save the world, what would a perfect day look like?

A: A quiet day with our family that has grown. It started out the four of us, and now there's Scarlett and Cassius, Razik and Tula. Come to think of it, a vacation to the Water Court might be in order.

Scarlett: So someplace warm?

Sorin: If memory serves, you find the cold rather miserable.

Scarlett: One would think you'd prefer the dry heat of a desert after all the time spent in Siofra?

Sorin: Are these still their questions, or have we moved on to yours?


Q: Fuck, Marry, Kill: Eliza, Arianna, Juliette?

A: Including Eliza in this is not necessary.

Eliza: Agreed.


Q: Fine. Fuck, Marry, Kill: Rayner, Cyrus, Briar.

A: Rayner, Briar, Cyrus.

Scarlett: You guys really have discussed this before, haven't you?

Sorin: Multiple times, usually over cards.

Scarlett: Multiple times? Do your answers change?

Sorin: Sometimes. But Rayner is always the choice for the fuck option.
Cyrus: Facts.

Rayner, lips twitching as he sips on a glass of liquor.

Scarlett: Okay, but seriously. Rayner. Males? Females? Both? What is the story here?

Rayner: This is Sorin's interview.

Scarlett, turning back to Sorin: Does Rayner prefer males or females?

Sorin: Are we planning experiences now, Love?

Scarlett, lifting her chin in challenge: Maybe.

Sorin, with a slow grin: Really? And when I tell you Rayner only participates in experiences when he gets to dictate how things go?

Cyrus, muttering: Worth it.


Scarlett, cheeks flushing: I... Wait. Have the three of you... Is that why you always pick him?

Sorin, smirking as he lifts his liquor glass to his lips: We've lived a lot of years, Love. Things can get dull, don't you think?

Scarlett: Well, yeah, but... Often?

Sorin: Does just mouth stuff count?

Rayner: Yes.

Cyrus: No!



Scarlett, turning bright red: Just...the three of you? Or with others?

Sorin: Which time?

 Scarlett: Sorin!

Sorin, laughing: Love, there have been no experiences since Eliné left. At least not for me.

Cyrus: Nothing for me since before Thia, which is kind of a shame. Hey, Cass--

Cassius: No.

Cyrus: But together--

Cassius: No.

Cyrus, grumbling: Possessive dragon bullshit.

Sorin: Any more questions, Love?

Scarlett: No. I mean, yes! I mean... So many questions...

Sorin, a fire portal opening: We'll leave you with your thoughts, Love.

Scarlett: I'm not thinking about it.

Cyrus, smirking knowingly as he follows Cassius to the portal: Yeah, you are, Darling



This interview took place after Lady of Starfire. It will contain spoilers for the entire series.


Scarlett: They've either really been missing us, or they are just really curious about you, Sister. They have so many questions.

Juliette, with a smirk: I know.

Scarlett, rolling her eyes: Of course you do.


Q: Do you like being an assassin or an oracle more? Which is more fulfilling?

A: They are both fulfilling in their own way, I suppose. Sometimes I get to be both at once, and that's when I feel the most like myself. As if my past life and this one are truly one.


Scarlett: Don't do that.

Juliette: Do what?

Scarlett: Speak like an all-knowing sage when I know you throw fits over shoes.

Juliette: Rude.

Scarlett: Facts. The purple ones with the rose gold on them?

Juliette: You threw them into the sea off the pier!


Scarlett, waving her off: You ate my pear tart that night. Aside from the people, what do you miss most about living in the Black Syndicate?

A, with a glare before turning somber: I don't miss the Black Syndicate. They are some fond memories with my sisters and our personal guards--and it shaped much of who I am--but all of that is tainted by how controlled we were. While I don't like to admit it, death that night was a relief. Knowing I did something good, something right with my last breath, in saving an innocent life.


Q: When you died, did you go straight from Mikale's dungeon to the oracle cave? Or did you float around for a while?

A: I cannot truly say. The last thing I remember from my old life is saying "I love you" to Scarlett. The next I knew I was waking in the Witch Kingdoms with my predecessor there to explain what was happening, How much time passed between those two events, I don't know.


Q: Can you see things going on in other worlds… Perhaps one called Devram… If so, any tea you feel like spilling?

A, with a smile: There are many realms with many possible futures. Speaking of them only causes everything to shift once more. (Turning to Scarlett) But one would remember that a single action can cause entire fates to change, and not always for the best.

Scarlett, her nose scrunching: I am well aware of that.

Juliette: Just something to keep in mind.


Q: How did things get started with Arantxa?

A: I suppose as most relationships start. Hazel sent her to aid the rebels. She was assigned as my guard of sorts, I guess. Silly really, considering who I was trained to be, but being the Oracle, Hazel insisted. We were spending much of our time together. I was learning my own history. (Shrugs.) Eventually, it is just something that came about.


Q: Do you live in your little Oracle cave, or do you have another place you hang out at?

A: As High Witch, I live at the castle, but when I know someone is going to be seeking me out, I find my way to the Oracle's dwelling.


Q: What’s your favorite place within the Witch Kingdoms?

A: There is a small city on the other side of the Earth Court border at the edge of Dresden Forest. While I do not miss the Black Syndicate, I do miss Baylorin from time-to-time, and that city feels a little more like Baylorin than the castle in the cliffs.


Q: Can you tell us the most bizarre witch lore that you’ve heard or been told? Give us some kind of cool witch history.

A: Our gifts of prophecy were granted to Zinta and Taika by a Fate herself. It is why we do not interfere and know it is not our place to try and change it, even when... (Clears throat) We know it is not our place to try to change Fate because the smallest moment can change everything about more than one future.


Q: Other hobbies besides death and fortunes?

A: Shopping, much to Arantxa's dismay. She finds it frivolous and does not understand why I would want to wander around shops for hours when we could be doing...literally anything else.


Q: What do you think of Sorin? Is he the type of male you pictured your friend ending up with?
A: Sorin is exactly who Scarlett needed. Twin flames are fated to be that for each other. He is honorable, and keeps her in line

Scarlett shoots her a deadpan look.


Q: What is it like riding a griffin? And what is your griffin's name?

A: It depends on the weather. Riding in the wind or rain is dreadful. But when the skies are clear, it is rather freeing. I particularly enjoy when it's snowing softly. My griffin's name is Greer.


Q: Can you dish on what you’d tell Talwyn if she visited you about what’s in store for her and Az?

A: I see Talwyn often. She and Thorne visit the small city near Dresden Forest because of its nearness to the border. Azrael sometimes joins her, and I'd tell her the same thing she is learning. Things turn out best for those make the best of the way things turn out. They're happy because they are choosing happiness, and only they can decide what that will look like in their future.


Q: Who do you feel closest to? Scarlett or Nuri?

A: As we got older, Alaric made it clear Scarlett was the one to survive at all costs. There became a natural closeness with Nuri, especially when Scarlett became involved with Callan. There was...tension between three of us, and Alaric tried to use that to his advantage.


Q: What is the most ridiculous fight you’ve ever had to mediate between Scarlett and Nuri?

A, scoffing: A rock.

Scarlett: It was about more than a rock.

Juliette: It really wasn't.

Scarlett: It was about who was going to launch the rock.

Juliette: It was about a rock.


Q: Anywaaaay, who would you recruit as a fourth wraith?

A: I would say Eliza, but it would never work out.

Eliza: What? Why not?

Juliette, with a shrug: It just wouldn't. There are other paths for you.


Q: What do you think of Cethin? Do you get along with him?

A: I do get along with him. He was born for such a time as this, just as his sister was. His own trials have shaped who he is, and there is a common ground in that to bind us all together in one way or another.


Q: Since you’re an oracle, do you see the wraiths of death getting back together anytime in the future?

A: There are paths that would allow that, but too much is ever-changing to say with certainty.

Q: Do you see children is Scarlett's future?

A: It depends on which future we are discussing.

Scarlett, muttering: That's not cryptic or anything.

Juliette, shrugs.

Q: We all want to know, was Razik going to steal the bowl?

Juliette, glancing at Razik with a small smile playing on her lips.

Razik, with a huff: I wasn't going to steal the bowl.


Q: Fuck, marry, kill-- Eliza, Me, Nuri.

Juliette, frowning: Only females to choose from?

Scarlett, smirking: You had only males for years. Figured we'd stick with females for a whlie.

A: Eliza, Nuri, you.

Scarlett, contemplating for a moment: I can see that.

Cyrus, scoffing: Yet when we say we'd kill Sorin, you throw a fit?

Scarlett, waving her hand dismissively: That's different.

Cyrus: How is it different?

Scarlett: Because you guys have apparently discussed this for hours. Multiple times.

Cyrus: And?

Scarlett: And if we'd have done the same, I'm sure her answers would be different. But we were out there. In the world. Doing important things while you guys sat around a table discussing experiences.

Cyrus, smirking: Still thinking about those experiences? I bet Juliette's had some. You could just ask her, since you're so curious.

Scarlett, grumbling: I already know too much about what she and Nuri got up to.

Juliette: Experiences with mortals, yes. With an Ash Rider, not so much.

Scarlett, her cheeks heating: And we're done.



This interview took place after Lady of Starfire. It will contain spoilers for the entire series.


Scarlett, with a smirk: So...Lord of Night?

Razik, snickers.

Cethin, sighing: It's not as if I could tell you my name.

Scarlett: Uh-huh. But Lord of Night?

Cethin: It's a long story for another time.


Q: How does it feel to finally be able to leave Avonleya?

A: It is freeing, not just for me, but for our people. There are relations being built among the Avonleyans and Fae again. We can contribute to the realm as a whole once more like we were always meant to. Work with the other territories and countries. Our people can travel, seek trade negotiations across the sea and more. It is just as big of a relief for them as is for me.


Q: What’s the craziest dream you’ve ever dreamwalked into and whose dream was it?

A, shifting uncomfortably: Dreamwalking isn't random. It is extremely rare to "accidentally" fall into someone's dream. It is nearly always intentional, and that is where it can become an issue because the person may not know it is happening.

Scarlett, dryly: Do tell.

Cethin: You were different. I needed to get your attention and had to take drastic measures to do so. But well before I knew of you, I learned the hard way that dreamwalking wasn't to be taken lightly. (Glances at Razik and Kailia.) Dreams are as sacred as a person's soul. They house a person's deepest desire, fears, and more.


Q: What was our dad like?

A: Tethys was everything you'd want in a father, and I learned how to be a king from him. Where Saylah had to learn how to love, Tethys more than made up for her shortcomings. I wish you'd been able to meet him just once.


Q: Do you have a favorite memory of him?

A: Anytime we were at sea. He was a descendant of Anahita. Moving the capital of Avonleya inland for Saylah was hard on him. Every few months, he made it a point to spend a week at sea. Many times, Saylah was too engrossed in her research to join us, but those times will always be cherished ones.


Q: How did Saylah change after he died to get Scarlett out?
A: She'd changed long before our father died. My first memories of her are actually quite fond ones. But as a goddess... Nurture didn't come naturally to her. When she realized the jeopardy she put this world in simply by being here, she was determined to fix it, as you well know. Tethys was the only one who could make take time to breathe, even if just for a little while. His sacrifice broke her as much as sacrificing Scarlett did. It is a burden of guilt she will forever bear.


Q: What was it like when you went to visit Saylah? Did she just help you power up, or did you chitchat?

A, huffing a laugh: Saylah always has plenty to say, even if it has nothing to do with what you asked her.

Scarlett, grumbling: You can say that again.


Q: Did your mother ever talk about Scarlett before you met her?

A: No. I learned of Scarlett...another way. Saylah never spoke of her until I confronted her.


Q: How did you feel when you first learned that you had a sister?

A: There was a lot of emotion that night-- shock, betrayal, anger, sorrow. It was a lot to process.


Q: What was it like that first time you dreamwalked into Scarlett’s dreams?

A, avoiding eye contact: I watched Scarlett in her dreams long before I made myself known. I didn't know what she was like, who she sided with. And when I learned she was bound to Alaric, how she was raised, what she was raised to do... (Glances at Kailia.) Sister or not, trusting her was hard. I had to be sure she wasn't somehow working with Alaric. Even when they finally made it here, I had to be sure.


Q: How did you feel when you met your sister for the first time?

A: There was anticipation but just as much wariness. There were so many things to take into consideration, and while we believed she wasn't working with Alaric by that point, it was hard to let her in. For a long time, it was just the three of us, and protecting each other was as important as protecting Avonleya.


Q: Do you feel protective of her now?

A, with a laugh: Scarlett doesn't need protecting. If anything, the gods need protection from her.


Q: What are your thoughts about Sorin being her twin flame?

A: I was glad she had someone. By that point, I knew much of her story. I was glad fate gave her that gift, even if she doesn't believe in fate.

Scarlett, rolling her eyes: I believe it was you who said it didn't matter if I believed in the fates or not. They didn't care.

Cethin: But do you believe in them now?

Scarlett: I guess. We just have...disagreements every now and then.


Q: What was your first impression of Scarlett’s court?

A: The same as her, I suppose. A mixture of anticipation and wariness. I couldn't dreamwalk to learn about them. Everything I knew came from Scarlett's dreams. So there was perhaps even more apprehension. It was a fine line of being hospitable and protecting my people until we were sure of who could be trusted.


Q: How did you meet Kailia?

A, smiling: The first time I met Kailia, she put a deathstone arrow in my shoulder.


Q: How many times has Kailia tried to kill you?

A, with a chuckle: I think the better question would be how many times did she actually get close to accomplishing her task.
Razik: Too many. You should be embarrassed by that number.

Cethin, with a glare: Because you were so helpful in the beginning.

Razik: Not my fault you were an arrogant prick.

Cethin: Says the miserable bastard who didn't warn me when you figured out what she could do.

Razik, shrugging: I can't do everything for you. Some things you need to figure out for yourself. It's how we grow.

Cethin: She nearly slit my throat that night, Raz.

Razik: And you didn't die. Everything turned out fine.

Cethin, muttering: For fuck's sake.


Q: When did you know Kailia was your mate?

A: That is...a very complicated answer, and a story that will need to be told at another time.


Q: What was it like growing up with Razik and dealing with his temperament?

A: For a long time, I wasn't sure who wanted me dead more: Razik or Kailia.

Razik: Definitely Lia.

Kailia, with a nod: It was always me.

Cethin, with a soft smile: Of course it was, tiny fiend.

Scarlett: I cannot decide if it is disturbing or endearing that you have fond memories of her trying to kill you.

Razik: For those two? It was foreplay.


Q: What is your favorite memory of your family/ trio before Scarlett and her family showed up?
A: There are plenty of memories of us becoming what we are, but Kailia-- Well, her upbringing was very unconventional, obviously. She was not taught many basic things. She could speak several languages, but she couldn't read or write any of them. More than that though, she was fascinated by the simple things we take for granted. The three of us were on the western side of the continent, and to pass the time, Raz and I were playing a simple game with dice. Kailia became obsessed, and we played for it for hours that night.


Q: Do you feel like a chaos manager between Razik and Kailia?

A, huffing another laugh: I think it's more like it takes both me and Razik to manage Kailia and her chaos.


Q: What was your reaction to Razik telling you he found his twin flame? And what were you thinking when you found out they decided to form the source bond but ignore their twin flame bond?

A: Kailia and I both knew he would never force a twin flame bond, even if he wanted it, so we were in the least surprised about them ignoring the twin flame bond. Not after all he went through with the Guardian Bond and his own family. But we hoped they'd get to this place some day, for both their sakes. They both deserved that happiness.


Q: Are you worried at all about how your trio may change or be affected now that Raz and Eliza have found each other?

A: Not at all. I think Raz and I are both more worried about how close Eliza and Kailia are becoming. They both get extra stabby when upset, and that can be...eventful.

Scarlett, nodding as she stands: I can see that. Also, that was the last question.

Azrael, in dismay: Really? Because he's your brother you're not going to ask him the same question you made everyone else answer?

Scarlett, in mock shock: Did you not hear him, Azzy? Kailia is very stabby when she gets upset. Do you want to risk being stabbed by making her husband tell us who he'd fuck, marry, kill other than her simply to satisfy your weird curiosity? Because I do not.

Azrael, visibly annoyed: I hate you so godsdamn much most days.

Scarlett, laughing as she pats him on the shoulder: If only that were remotely true.

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This interview took place after Lady of Starfire. It will contain spoilers for the entire series.


Scarlett, shifting in her chair: I won't lie, Kailia. You would have made an excellent Wraith of Death.

 Kailia: That is understandable. I am very accurate with a bow.

Scarlett: I've been able to shoot two arrows at once a couple times but never three. Are you ever going to teach me how you do that?

Kailia, simply: No.


Q, laughing: Fair enough. Where are you from?

A: I was born in the Cliffs. After I was...freed from there, I was across the Edria Sea for a while before I made my way to Avonleya.


Q: Do you have any family (blood related)?

A: I do not believe so. If I do, I do not know of them.


Q: How many times have you tried to unalive Cethin? Why?

A: More times than it should have taken. I was rather frustrated that he kept surviving. As for why, I was told he was the reason I had been in those Cliffs. I was told he was the reason we were all in those Cliffs. I can be rather vengeful.

Razik, muttering: That's an understatement.

Kailia, eyes narrowing: I didn't hear you complaining when I first showed up.

Razik, shrugging: It was entertaining watching him evade you for a while.

Cethin, deadpan: Thanks, you prick.

Razik, shrugs again: It only got annoying when she started trying to stab me.

Kailia: Only because you kept getting in my way.

Razik, smirking: Finally admitting I had the upper hand all along, Lia?

Ashes swirl, leaving a dagger in her hand.

Cethin, sighing: No, tiny fiend. No stabbing right now. (Turning to Scarlett.) You probably want to move along with this. Raz will continue to antagonize her.


Q: After all of...that, how did you fall in love with Cethin?

A, seeming annoyed: He wouldn't die.

Razik, snickers.

Kailia: And then he made me a deal I couldn't refuse.

Cethin, with a wry grin: And?

Kailia, even more annoyed: And eventually he became endearing to me.


Q: Can you give us some weird fact about Razik?

A, smiling sweetly at Razik: He collects bowls.

Razik: For fuck's sake, Lia.

Scarlett: I knew it!

Eliza: You were definitely going to steal that bowl.

Razik, glaring at Kailia.

Kailia, taking a drink of wine: Who has the upper hand, Raz?

Scarlett: I really do like her.

Eliza, drinking her own wine: Same.


Q: How do you know so much about Shifters?

A: I spent some time among them when I was across the sea.


Q: What else do you know about Temural?

A: The god of the wild and untamed? Saylah spoke of him a few times when she was here. He tends to be impulsive and little reckless but also very stubborn and vengeful. He was very upset to be separated from Altaria for so long.


Q: What did you think of Scarlett and the crew when they first arrived to Avonlaya?

A, staring accusingly at Cethin: I didn't know they were here until after they were almost to the Greybane Manor.

Cethin: I have already apologized multiple times for that.

Kailia: I know, but I hold grudges.

 Cethin, a small smile playing on his lips: Then I guess I'll just have to keep apologizing.

A, nodding decisively: That would be appreciated. As for what I thought of Scarlett and the others, relief. We had been waiting a long time for this, as if we'd been holding our breath. We could finally move forward, even with the obstacles, at least we could move forward.


Q: What was your first reaction when you got caught by Rayner, another Ash Rider, in the training arena?

A: It is interesting you all believe I was caught against my will, but I had seen Rayner with the child. I knew he wouldn't harm me without an order from his king and queen. Was I intrigued by another Ash Rider? Not particularly. I stopped trying to figure out my past and where I come from long ago.


Q: How is it knowing that now you have extended family that you can depend on and protect and be protected by?

A: Anyone would be happy to know there are more people they can depend on, but for so long it was just me. I was in a constant state of survival. While I trust them, it is not the same way I trust Cethin and Razik.



Q: Last question. Does Cethin snore?

A: No, but he steals all the blankets every night.

Razik, with a sly grin: And how many times have you stabbed him for that, Lia?

A: Three.



This interview took place after Lady of Starfire. It will contain spoilers for the entire series.


Scarlett, with a soft smile: Hello, Callan. It's been a while.

Callan, arching a brow: A few months?

Scarlett: Yes, well, you're always so busy when I bring Tula to visit Eva. I rarely see you, your Majesty.

Callan, with a small huff of laughter: We had dinner in the Earth Court days ago. It is no fault of mine that you were too busy to attend.

Scarlett, narrowing her eyes: Azrael planned it that way on purpose, and you know it.

Callan: That is probably accurate.


Q, rolling her eyes: Other than the Earth Court, have you gone on any fun adventures as of late?

A: No. My focus has been here, in Windonelle and the mortal kingdoms. You are not wrong. We have been very busy these last months, but it has all been worth it. I think Eva goes on more adventures than I do these days,


Q: How are things with Tava and Eva?

A: They're good. Eva is busy. When she's not in lessons, she is at Tava's side. And Tava is... (Smiles) She's great. She has so much knowledge about our kingdom that would have never found its way into the walls of the castle without her.


Q: And your kingdom, how has that settled? Did you ever name a Hand-to-the-King?

A: There are many things that need to be changed within Windonelle. To be honest, it has been overwhelming, and some days feel like we're taking two steps back with every step forward. But we are seeing progress, and that is what matters. On the days when it feels like we're getting nowhere, Tava reminds me that every time we go to the poorer districts, I am welcomed more and more, and that is saying something. As for my Hand-to-the-King, the prior Captain of the Guard was promoted to that position, and Ezra took his place.


Q: How are relations between the other kingdoms? How has it been working with Hale and Drake?

A: We meet every few months, but Hale and Drake have their own obstacles to overcome. Their kingdoms are leery of them, and they've had their own things to prove to their people. We help in whatever ways we can, of course, and Tava visits Drake more often than I can. But some things must be proven over time, just like here.


Q: What kind of reforms have you made in Windonelle to help with those who felt abandoned? Like those in the slums.

A: We have plans to send in crews to help repair the homes in that area, but we've had to focus on the recovery of the entire kingdom since the war first. We did, however, make sure food is delivered to the poorer districts daily along with other necessities. We also have shipments going out weekly to other areas of the kingdom. It's slow going, and I wish we could do everything at once. More than that, though, a new King's Council was formed, and we made sure that at least two of those members are from poorer districts. That is also a requirement of every Lord's council throughout the territory.


Q: Which of the territory leaders or court royals do find most intimidating or hardest to speak to?

A: Auberon. Honestly, I steer clear of the Night Children all together, and I am comforted by the fact that Azrael and Juliette's territories stand between the mortal kingdoms and the Night Children.


Q: Out of the Shifters, Witches and Night Children, which group would you want most as your ally in a war? You can only pick one.

A: The Witches. We know Juliette the best, and Tava spent a lot of time with them, more than I realized. They are skilled fighters, and would have an aerial host with the griffins.


Q: Does Arianna still hit on you?

A: I mean, yes, but Arianna seems to do that with everyone so I don't think it's anything noteworthy.

Scarlett, deadpan: The Shifter Alpha and Beta are very particular about who they invite into their bed. It is certainly noteworthy.

Cyrus: You're just saying that because she invited you to her bed.

Scarlett: I am not.

Cyrus: Liar.

Scarlett, glaring: I haven't heard her invite you to bed lately, Cyrus.

Cyrus, smirking: I have a standing invitation, Darling. If Cass wanted to-

Cassius, with a growl: Cass doesn't want to.

Cyrus, rolling his eyes: I swear to the gods that dragon possessiveness of yours grows every fucking day.

Scarlett: The point is Arianna's invitations are nothing to take for granted.

Callan, shifting uncomfortably: Tava and I are perfectly content with each other. I think we'll leave it at that.


Q, with an annoyed huff: Are you and Azzy still besties?

A, hiding his smile: I see him...fairly often.

Scarlett, muttering: Of course you do.

Callan, brow arching: Are you jealous of my friendship with Prince Azrael?

Scarlett: No. Who is your favorite member of the Fae Courts?

Callan, pressing his lips together to keep from smiling.

Scarlett: Don't you dare say it, Callan Solgard.

Callan: You, of course, Scarlett.

Scarlett, unimpressed: Uh-huh. If you were immortal, what powers would you want to have and why?

A: Earth magic, and before you throw a fit, it is because it would help ensure crops and food to feed our kingdom. Discussing such things was one of the reasons we had dinner with Azrael and Talwyn a few days ago.


Q: Favorite hobby?

A: Reading.

Q: Favorite place to visit within your own kingdom?

A: Truthfully, I prefer when I get to simply stay in Baylorin. After the adventures and turmoil of the last several years, I prefer the rare times we get to simply sit and breathe in our own wing of the castle.


Q: When are you and Tava having children?

A, with a knowing look: Nice try.


Scarlett, with a huff: Fine. FMK: Eliza, Arianna, or Juliette.

A, shifting uncomfortably again: I'm married, Scarlett.

Scarlett, coyly: And both my and Tava's first time was with you. Don't be shy now, Callan.

Callan, face turning red.

Scarlett: If not that, then, FMK: Drake, Azrael, or Ezra.

Callan, muttering: By the gods, Eliza, Juliette, Arianna.



This interview took place after Lady of Starfire. It will contain spoilers for the entire series.


Scarlett, with a smile: Hello, Tava.

Tava: Hello, Scarlett.

Scarlett: A crown suites you.

Tava, blushing faintly: I do not know that such a thing is true, but thank you.


Scarlett, simply: It is. Windonelle needs your light. This world needs your light. First question, how are relationships with the people there since you came back with Callan?

A: There has undoubtedly been tension. There is still a lot of distrust from the people, but they also seem to be somewhat at ease with Drake on the Rydeon throne.

Callan: They are at ease because you are on a throne, Tava. Let's not downplay the obvious here.

Tava, lightly clearing her throat: As you well know, trust takes time to build up. It does not simply happen because I am suddenly on a throne. We still have to prove to them that the throne cares for them more now than they did before, and I believe we are taking steps in that direction.


Q: How are you ensuring your work with the less fortunate becomes a more prominent part of royal duties, and are you training people or have a unit of people designed to help out?

A: Callan touched on this a little bit. Food and necessities are delivered daily until we can get systems in place for them to be more self-sufficient. We will be assembling teams to go into not only the poor districts in Baylorin, but throughout the kingdom to repair structures and make them livable. But more than that, we will be teaching those who live there how to do so, as well as learning to grow food and learning other trades. The goal is to help however we can, yes, but also make it so they do not have to be dependent on the throne. It's a fine balance, but one we will never stop trying to achieve.


Q: How do you balance being Queen in Windonelle and the Princess of Rydeon?

A: I visit Drake often, and he is taking many of the same actions in Rydeon that we are in Windonelle. My home has always been Windonelle, but knowing my family is responsible for Rydeon has been a heavy thing to wrestle with. I feel torn and often times spread thin, but Callan and Drake are both stepping into their crowns with class and grace.


Scarlett: So modest, as always, Tava. Okay, now the fun questions: If you were to live in any Fae Court, what will be your choice?

A: The Water Court. It is the Court I've spent the least amount of time in, but I love the beaches there. It is soothing and peaceful.


Q: What kind of power would you like if you had to choose? It doesn’t even need to be a Fae power.

A: I often wished I had healing gifts of Reselda, but that comes with a whole host of moral dilemmas. How does one decide who to heal when you cannot get to everyone at the same time? Such gifts carry heavy burdens.


Q: Who is your favorite from the Fae Courts?

A, huffing a laugh: I am going to say the twins, Nakoa and Sawyer.


Scarlett: That's fair. What is your most treasured memory with Callan?

A, fingers fiddling with her necklace: I'm sure he would want me to say when we said our vows, but honestly, it is when he gave me this necklace. It is a gift he doesn't realize the significance of because it reminds me I am seen.


Q: Favorite dessert or go to comfort food?

A: I used to say tea, but I have a wonderful drink of chocolate and milk that is warmed up with cinnamon and nutmeg spices when we visit the Earth Court. On our last visit, Prince Azrael and Talwyn gave me a gift of supplies to make it at home. I indulge it in it far too often now.


Scarlett: Seriously? How often do you two go to the Earth Court?

Tava, worrying her bottom lip to hide a smile: Does it truly matter?

Scarlett: Yes! (Turning to Azrael.) And why haven't I ever been offered this drink?

Azrael, deadpan: I enjoy Queen Tava's company. I tolerate yours.

Scarlett, sighing: I thought we were making progress here, Azzy.

Azrael: No idea why you thought that. I'd rather spend time with Thorne than you, and he often tries to bite me.

Scarlett, winking: It's fine. We can keep our best friend status a secret from everyone else a little while longer.

Azrael, muttering: By the gods, you're insufferable.


Q: Last question- FMK: Azrael, Briar, Sorin.
A: That same order. Azrael, Briar, Sorin.

Callan, blinking: That uncomfortably fast answer.

Tava: It is purely a pragmatic one. Azrael does not have an heir for the Earth Court and would need one. More than that, Talwyn is recognized as his consort in title only. Briar has children and taking him from them would be cruel. Sorin does not have an heir, but he does have a wife recognized as a Court Royal as he is. It simply makes sense.

Scarlett, laughing: That it does, Tava. That it does

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This interview took place after Lady of Starfire. It will contain spoilers for the entire series.


Scarlett, with a smirk: Win any billiards lately?

Cyrus, with a smirk of his own: Careful, Darling. I'm doing your interview. I promise you, no one here is going to care if I input my own questions.

Scarlett, eyes narrowing: You wouldn't.

Cyrus, with a huff of laughter: Of course I would. But also, this list is seven miles long. We're not doing all of these. I'll get far too bored listening to you talk that much.

Scarlett, rolling her eyes: You like to volunteer for jobs, then complain about them.

Cyrus, slamming a palm to the table before pointing a finger at her: You tricked me last time, and you know it. I thought I was going on an adventure.

Scarlett, shrugging: It's not my fault you don't listen to what is actually being said.

Cyrus, in outrage: You asked while we were drinking!

Cassius: Do I need to take over?

Cyrus, his glare morphing into a small smile: No. I volunteered to deal with her Highness today. (Clears throat dramatically and smooths out the parchment.) How does it feel to be a constant pain in the ass to everyone around you?

Scarlett, scoffing: It does not say that.

Cyrus, arching a brow: Maybe Razik or Azrael submitted the question.
Cassius, rubbing at his brow: Cyrus...

Cyrus, rolling his eyes: Taking her side today? Fine.

Cassius, muttering: For fuck's sake. Eliza is right. You do throw fits.

Cyrus, flips him off.


Q: How does it feel to have to control all that power everyday? Is it a burden? Is it a weight you carry always, or has it become natural?

A: The power itself isn't a burden. It was always there, and learning to harness it feels like finally knowing myself, even with the additional Chaos. The burden comes with the responsibility of that power. Of knowing you are the only one. Of having to make the hard choices.


Q: Have you been looking into Mirror Gates and exploring the catacombs under the Palace, in Elshira, at the Black Halls, and in the Wind Court?

A: Of course. I try to spend some time exploring them a few times a week, and I'm constantly monitoring the mirror gates since they are my responsibility now.


Q: Have you explored your World Walker powers?

Scarlett, eyes narrowing: That's not a question on there.

Cyrus, with a faux-innocent smile: It absolutely is.

Scarlett, hissing through gritted teeth: You promised you wouldn't say anything.

 Cyrus: And I didn't. Someone else asked.

Sorin, a brow arched as he stares at Scarlett: Is there something I need to know, Love?

Scarlett, not looking at him and glaring harder at Cyrus: No.

Cyrus: Maybe.
Scarlett, white sparks flaring at her fingertips: Moving on.


Q: How are the Fae-Mortal relationships now? Is there still fear, or people are adapting?

A: As with anything, change takes time. I think it helps to see their kings and queens having such close relations with the the Fae Royalty, but both the Fae and mortals have biases and ingrained falsehoods to overcome. That takes time, but the Fae have been generous with their time and talents in helping the mortal kingdoms rebuild. The Fae being invited to and attending the mortal coronations set an expectation of sorts, and I think that was important to do right away after everything.


Q: What’s it like having an older brother now? Do the two of you get along well?

A: It is still odd to think of having blood relatives when for so long it was just me, Cassius, and my sisters. We usually have a dinner of sorts with Cethin, Kailia, and Razik every week, and Cethin and I try to spend time together here and there. But he's running a kingdom, and so are we. Even immortal, we seem to have little time some days.


Q: Do you wish you had more time with your mother and been able to get to know her better?

A, drumming her fingers a few times before answering: I do not know if more time would have aided or hindered our relationship. Cethin insists I would have understood her better, and maybe someday I can spend that time with her, but... I'm not ready for that yet.


Q: If given a chance, what would be that one thing that you would do differently?

A: This is always such a profound question. Any Seer will tell you the smallest thing can alter history. Who is to say that changing that one thing wouldn't change the entire outcome? I would like to say I would change crossing the Fire Court border that day Tarek took me back to Alaric, but we learned valuable information from that. And I... (Clears throat.) That changed me, and I think it had to happen that way. Fate and all that nonsense.


Q: Do you and Kailia get along well with each other? Have you two ever tried pranking Cethin and Raz?

A: Kailia and I get along fine. Cethin is protective of her, but there's no need. She is terrifying. Have you seen her with a bow? As for pranking Cethin and Razik, the three of them are too close. Her loyalty is to them, not me. Eliza and I on the other hand...


Q: What does a day look like when there aren't people to kill or people to save? A "normal" day in the Fire Court?

A: I don't think we ever have a "normal" day, but we try. We have breakfast together most days so everyone can be kept up-to-date on the various happenings in the Court and outside it. There's usually some training involved. Constant meetings with other Courts or kingdoms. I'd like to say we have dinners together, but those seem to be getting few and far between lately too... We should plan a vacation.


Cyrus: Yes. Now we're talking. Where are we going?

Scarlett: Somewhere warm.

Cyrus, deadpan: We live in the Fire Court. What don't you get about this?

Scarlett, lifting her middle finger.


Q: How have you liked seeing all the seasons in the fire court?

A: I experienced all the seasons in Baylorin, but they are different in the mountains. Winter is dreadful, even if I do live in the Fire Court.


Q: Where’s the best place in Halaya to hide out from an overprotective twin flame who always knows your whereabouts?

A: I'm not telling you that, Cyrus. You'll just tell him where I go when you want to be irritating.

Cyrus: As if he doesn't know where you are at all times. Well, except for that time--

Scarlett: Cyrus, I swear to Arius, if you utter a single word about that, we're going to have a brawl right here and now.

Cassius, sighing again: No one is fighting right now. For the love of the gods, keep going.


Q: If the roles had been reversed, and it was you and not Sorin, how do you think you would have coped with losing your powers?

A: I was probably harder for Sorin. He's had his magic for centuries. I had just learned about mine. To be honest, a part of me would have likely been relieved to not have so much responsibility, but I would have forever searched for the work around to stay on this side of the After of him.


Q: Has the relationship between you and Talwyn improved?

A: Talwyn and I are pleasant to one another, and we're both fine with that being the relationship for now. She is finding her new place in this world, and so am I.


Q: How did the Shifters react to the news of Rayner adopting Tula? Did that affect the relationship between you and the Shifters?

A: They were not happy. It was two weeks of negotiations and agreements being put into place. Both parties had to give a little, and Rayner is...adjusting to some of the stipulations, but there wasn't much they could do after the fact. As for relations with the Shifters, they are fickle and cunning beings. They would have done the same, and they'll admit that to you. They were more upset they didn't come up with the idea first.


Q: What do you see for your future?

A: I honestly don't know, and I'm okay with that. I don't spend a lot of time thinking about it, mainly because hundreds of potential years feels overwhelming some days.


Q: If you could steal one thing from Razik, what would it be?

A, seriously: I would never steal anything from Razik.

Razik: You're a godsdamn liar. I know you took that small onyx mortar.

Scarlett, clicking her tongue: Who calls it that? It's a tiny bowl, and as I've repeatedly told you, I have no idea what happened to your super special black dish. What do you even need it for?

Razik, growling: I need it because it's mine.

Scarlett: I told you I would help you look for it if you let me borrow a book.

Razik, turning to Eliza: This is why I didn't want her having access to the cave.

Eliza, waving him off: She's only there if I am.

Razik, dryly: That is not reassuring in the slightest.


Q: What’s the most dangerous thing you and Eliza have done without your twin flames knowing?

A, smirking at Razik: We once planned a heist.

Razik, turning slowly to Eliza: You assisted in stealing that mortar?

Eliza, in annoyance: What do I need a bowl for? You have plenty. Honestly, we should get rid of some. They just take up space.

Razik, arching a brow: That's true. I don't use them for dinner.

Eliza, gritting out through clenched teeth: Keep your fucking bowls, and stop speaking, Razik Greybane.


Cyrus: We're coming back this, but moving on for now. If you were planning a visit to another world, what would be the five most important items that you’d pack to take with you?

A: Why would I need to pack anything with pocket realms?

Cyrus: That's cheating. Just answer the question.

 Scarlett: It's not cheating. It's called being resourceful.

Cyrus: Do you want me to come up with a different question? Maybe about that time we smoked some mugweed, and you--

Scarlett: My sword! I'd pack my spirit sword, my witchsuit, my spellbook, a pear tart, and a super tiny bowl to eat it out of.

Razik: If that mortar isn't returned by the end of the day--

Cyrus, interrupting: A pear tart. Really?

Scarlett: Of course.


Q: Why pears?

A: They've always been my favorite. There was a pear tree outside the Compound where Eliné worked. I would often climb it to pick one and eat it while waiting for her.


Q: Have you heard from Nuri lately?

A, looking away and saying softly: No.


Q: So, when might littles be running around your feet?

A: They already are. Sawyer and Nakoa learned to walk. They are ridiculously fast.

Cyrus: I think they meant children of your own.

Scarlett, smirking: I know.


Q: Do Briar and Ashtine ever let you babysit the twins?

A: We see them often, and we've watched them a few times. They're tiny, adorable terrors that get into everything. Thank the gods their magic doesn't manifest until they're a little older.


Q: FMK- Rayner, Cyrus and Briar

A: Rayner, Briar, Cyrus.

 Cyrus, smirking: Because of Rayner's experiences, right?

Scarlett, blushing: No! That's not-- It's because you're annoying, and I want to stab you right now.


Cyrus, winking: Sure it is. FMK- Tava, Juliette and Eliza?

A: Juliette, Tava, Eliza.

Cyrus: Really? Eliza?

Scarlett, shrugging: I can't kill Tava, and she's too innocent for experiences. Juliette apparently has the skills to make the experience enjoyable, which leaves Eliza to die.

Eliza, not bothering to look up from her book: I approve of that logic.


Cyrus, setting the paper fire: All right. I'm bored. Let's go do something. Rayner, cookies?

Rayner: No.

Scarlett, getting excited: Oh! Yes! The ones with lemon in them!

Cyrus, groaning: Oh gods, yes.

Eliza, lip curling: Don't make it sound like that.

Rayner: We're not making cookies.

Scarlett, nose scrunching: Why not?

Rayner: Weren't the two of you just at each other's throats?

Sorin: Why are we surprised by this?

Cyrus: Cookies and mugweed. This sounds like a good time.

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